If you have hair loss, you’re not alone. Over 35 million men and 21 million women in the U.S.experience hair loss. People don’t normally associate women with baldness, but it’s just as common in women as it is in men, though the timing and pattern of hair loss is different. Men start losing their hair in during their 20’s and 30’s, while thinning hair starts later in women between their 40’s and 50’s. But regardless of if you are a man or a woman, hair loss can be devastating.
At Men’s Health Atlanta, we take a well-rounded, comprehensive approach to hair loss for all age groups, including men and women. We do a complete blood workup and biopsy, if necessary, to determine the cause of hair loss. Once we have narrowed down the cause, there are many treatment options, including topicals, shampoos, compounds, oral medication, and PRP therapy.
PRP therapy can help men and women who are experiencing hair loss at the crown, cap or part line, or overall thinning. PRP therapy is an exciting non-surgical option for patients who require stimulation of their hair follicle growth for hair loss conditions. Once the PRP is ready, and anesthesia block is given to the nerves of the scalp so the patient does not feel any pain, then the highly concentrated PRP is injected into the scalp. The patient’s hair is then washed and the patient may drive home without assistance. Recovery after PRP treatment is relatively easy!
Call today to schedule your appointment to discuss which treatment options are best for you!
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